Sunday 13 August 2017


Zagreb is a lovely place.  It was easy to walk around all the sights from where we are staying...
...which is here.  You open the doors and can drive through to a courtyard.  Our apartment faces that way.

In the famous Gric Tunnels used in WW1 and 2

The funicular

St Mark's Church in St Marks Square

We found a quiet place for coffee...

...or not!

Shrine inside the medieval gateway.

We looked around a flea market and this fruit, vegie and souvenirs.

On the other side of th main square there is a different part of town with shady gardens...


big old buildings

...this is the railway station.  From here we looked around the botanical gardens then walked back to the old town...

...where our lunch was larger than expected...

...and these Cossacks rode and marched by.

This was the original, Ban Jelacic.

View from the top of a medieval tower...

...looking down at the funicular.

Typical motifs on pottery.

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