Friday 18 August 2017


We drove to Orvieto today and spent the afternoon seeing the sights.  Orvieto is a small town built on top of a flat hill with sheer sides.  Our airbnb is at the bottom and we took the funicular up.

There are lots of narrow, picturesque streets...

and old squares.

View looking down at the surrounding countryside.

We had a tour underground where, from pre-Roman times, people have dug cellars and tunnels.  They were used to do such things as press olive oil, keep pigeons, store produce etc.

On the main street there were souvenir shops.

We went up a tall tower which gave us great views of the town.

The Cathedral was amazing.  It reminded me of Sienna (we visited a few years ago)

The main part of the Cathedral was plainish with striped columns and an amazing ceiling but the chapels and altar area had lots of frescoes.

We found a nice bar for dinner, changed from hot and bothered to hot and relaxed with big drinks.

Finally Malcolm explored St Patrick's well, it has 2 spiral staircases, 1 down and the other for up.

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