Wednesday 23 August 2017


Yesterday we drove down from Rome to the Amalfi Coast.  On the way we stopped at Herculaneum, a Roman Town destroyed by lava flow in AD69 (like nearby Pompeii).  What was good about Herculaneum was that there were far less people visiting than there would have been in Pompeii and it was fascinating to wander the houses, shops, villas and streets.

Herculaneum is at a lower level than the modern-day town.

This was a fast food place/pub.  The round openings are the mouths of huge jars set into the marble counter.

Wine sellers shop.

Wall mosaic of Neptune and Amphitrite.

There were two main streets and several cross streets.

Women's section of the baths.

Elizabeth made sure we didn't miss anything, the place was a warren of interconnected buildings.

This one is called house with a large portal.

House with Relief of Telephus.
It was all very picturesque and easy to imagine the buildings in their complete state, populated by Romans.

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