Sunday 6 August 2017

We have enough of sight-seeing

This was the day we gave up on sight-seeing and headed home for siestas and chilling out at the apartment. We went into the old part of Vienna in the morning, felt exhausted, got a coffee, Malcolm said, 'I could go to sleep right now'. I said, 'lets go home then' and we did! Nice just to relax and give our legs a break!  First though we checked out the Charles Bridge, built 1342, decorated with 30 statues of saints. Already getting busy with tourists.

Gatehouses at either end of the bridge

The Old Town Square

We went for coffee in a quiet courtyard. I was looking at the map and said we should go to this place, 'one of the most important historical sites in Prague, built in the 11th century....blah, blah..Granovsky Palace with arcaded loggia...' Malcolm looked at the map and said, 'That's where we are!' It was a nice place to sit, a violinist was busking nearby. This was when we decided we had done enough sight-seeing for the day!

Lots of fancy buildings like this on the way to the metro station.

We have learned to find our way around yet another city's transport network!

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