Monday 7 August 2017

Country roads in the Czech republic

Today we drove on lots of little roads like this one, tree-lined on one or both sides, through little villages...

...there wasn't much opportunity to pull over for photos because the roads had no shoulder or verges and were so narrow.  We found this spot and while Malcolm took the photo (typical little village, they all seemed to have their own pond) a couple of women and some children came out of a nearby house and spoke to me.  I said something about taking photos and showed the camera and smiled, they went in and a man came out and gave us a long stare.  Maybe they don't get many tourists on those roads!

We found an inn that the locals seemed to be heading into and after staring at a menu in Czech the waitress took pity and found an English version.  The food was all local, peasant-type fare.  I had the set menu: garlic soup with croutons, followed by a hunk of pork under that gravy with bread dumpling.  Malcolm had rabbit and bacon with potato dumplings.  It cost next to nothing.

Eventually we crossed over into Austria and found our airbnb on the outskirts of Vienna.  We have a good internet conection.

Our apartment is under the house (the owners are on holiday so it is very quiet).  Our door leads onto this lawn with views across forested mountains.  We have no food with us and are out in the sticks with no restaurant nearby but ate that meal at lunchtime so will have to finish the wine and then have some muesli.

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