Monday 18 September 2017


We enjoyed sight-seeing in Ottawa, almost like being back in Europe again.  A surprising interlude was a show of Mexican dancing and music, outside parliament.  We walked across the bridge into Quebec and spent a couple of hours in the Canadian Museum of History, full of artifacts and information about the First Nation People and the early settlers.  We didn't have the time or energy to look at everything in the museum, it would take days.  Another hot day - we are having a real Indian Summer.

Bytown locks

...where we had coffee. The building behind is a posh hotel, we looked around inside.  It has photographs by the guy who photographed Winston Churchill when he was in Ottawa during the war - the famous photo.

Lots of statues.

Some of several 100 photos of Mexicans dancing.

Totem poles in the museum.

Ottawa from the Quebec side of the river.

More ice-cream, listening to live piano and trumpet music courtesy of the restaurant behind.

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