Tuesday 28 January 2014

Walk to the Invincible Mine site

afternoon view from the bus window

view on the walk up to the mine site

remnants of gold mining days

near the gold mine

I'm standing where we sat for picnic lunch...

...that view was amazing...

just the birds, us and silence

view the other way - near the old mine entrance

on the way down

on the way down
in the forest near where we did the walk is this 8 metre mining artifact

near the end of the Rees River valley

braided river and snowy mountain
Another beautiful day.  We did a walk through beech forests to the remains of the Invincible Mine which is about 1 hour uphill.  The views up there were really nice, we sat for ages looking down the Rees River valley to the snowy mountains beyond.  We actually had morning tea and lunch up there!  Then we drove to the end of the road/valley before returning to the bus for a lazy afternoon.

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