Sunday 19 January 2014

Mountain Biking

The dam at Butchers Dam

That's the bus in splendid isolation

only sheep for company

the start of our ride
me in action

lunch spot

the dam from lunch spot

me on Flat Top wishing there were a quicker way back

looking down to the Clutha - that's the Clutha Gorge

me on the way down - too steep and narrow to ride!
The weather improved after I wrote the last blog.  That evening we went for a walk around Butchers Dam.  It was very interesting and there were lots of info panels to enlighten us.  The next day was hot, though overcast at times, and we decided to go mountain biking as we could see tracks on Flat Top Hill behind the dam.  We set off up a 4WD track which got very steep, almost vertical.  Malcolm had to come and push my bike up there and that wasn't the last time!  When we got to the top we had lunch and there were amazing views. 
Then we decided to follow a narrow track that went down, then around the wrong side of the mountain.  From here we could see the river in the gorge below us.  Finally the track swung around the mountain and down to the dam.  We were totally knackered when we got back as we had basically lugged the bikes on a 3 hour walk.  Malcolm rode down more than me, the track was really narrow and rough - also steep!  I resolved to cut down on eating cake etc and eat only fruit as I felt I should be fitter.  This resolution lasted until the next day when I saw plum cake in the old court house cafe in Alexandra...

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