Friday 24 January 2014

Mount Aspiring

On the road to Mt Aspiring

Raspberry Creek

Great views everywhere

One of the 6 fords

Malcolm at Raspberry Creek

Malcolm at our lunch spot

Lunch spot

Photo opportunities every where
A big day out!  This day is in 2 sections - otherwise too many photos.  In the morning we drove the 50kms along the unsealed Wanaka-Mt Aspiring road (very jarring with the corrugations and pot-holes!) to Raspberry Creek, the last section has 6 fords but not very deep ones.  The views along this road were excellent due to the fresh snowfall on the tops of the mountains.  There was a walk to Rob Roy glacier we could have done if we'd been prepared but we thought 3-4 hrs was too long.  We had another walk planned for the afternoon...

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