Saturday 22 February 2014

Through Arthur's Pass

The bus at Lake Lyndon

Malcolm went up the slopes of Mt Lyndon to take photos...

...looking down on the bus (that's the road to Porters Pass at centre)

down the lake

up the valley towards Arthur's Pass

Even higher up

That black dot on the top of the shadowed bit is Malcolm.  This is zoomed.  He did go higher but you wouldn't see him on a photo!

Despite the signs saying 'not recommended for towing vehicles' we went through Arthur's Pass and found a good freedom camping spot on the east side at Lake Lyndon.  The pass is very windy and narrow in parts and steep.  There is a viaduct across part of the pass and an area that is under a rock protection shelter with waterfalls pouring over it, like you go through in Switzerland.

Malcolm went up the slopes of Mt Lyndon to take photos down to the bus and lakeside and back up towards the mountains of Arthur's Pass National Park.  There were big wind gusts coming through, which he said nearly blew him off the mountain, and one ripped paint off part of the rear window (there had been a tiny hole that water got in and it had a small bubble)so now our backside doesn't look so smart!  Another job to add to the to-do list when we get back to Whangarei.

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