Today's start - Tiroiti bridge |
Dry, yellow 'Central' |
Me on another viaduct |
Me about to go into a tunnel |
Malcolm at Hyde - that's the pub/shop/everything (not a big place) |
Hyde station - a couple of kms on - lots of old wagons... |
...and a good lunch stop |
Memorial to people killed in a trail crash in 1943 |
Me heading over the horizon |
the end of the day's ride - bus in background |
Today we woke to a clear day with not a cloud in the sky but
by 8.00 there was no sky to be seen.
Thick grey clouds and drizzle - but we waited at Middlemarch till midday
(heater on!) and were rewarded by a sunny clear afternoon - although the
afternoon wind was blowing strongly.
This made it hard going on our longest day yet - 33kms. Malcolm didn't find it so bad and he zoomed
the last 16 kms getting back to the bus 1/2 hr before me. Long enough to let some of the 33 degrees
heat out! What contrasts in the day - it
was 5 degrees at 7.00 am.
The last bit of today's ride was fairly flat with long
straights so not as interesting as some other parts of the trail. We moved the bus back to Tiroiti (where we
cycled from back down to Middlemarch) and tomorrow should take the car and
bikes to Wedderburn and cycle the last bit of the trail. This will be even longer than today.
Love the photos. Brings back fond memories of Alan, Marianne and me doing the trail.