Sunday 20 October 2019

Through the mountains to Cordoba

Yesterday we drove through the Pargue Natural de la Sierra de Andujar, home to a lot of wildlife such as wolves and lynxes.  We saw different kinds of deer and an eagle...

...most people were in the southern area of the park but we decided to continue north, which led into some high mountains with little traffic.  Then the gps decided to take us to a main road by the shortest route - 25km of gravel forestry road.  At one point we saw what looked like a white wolf, we really don't know if it was some kind of dog.  Anyway, that was an adventure.  In Cordoba our airbnb apartment looks out on the cloisters of a church...

Today we visited the Mosque-Cathedral...

...walked around the streets...

...visited some Moorish baths...

...saw lots of churches and the town square.  Now it's wine o'clock.

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