Friday 3 August 2018

Brisbane City

During the week Malcolm has been busy working on building Annemarie's carport.  When time allowed we went out and about.  These photos are taken on a walk from Redcliffe to Margate.

The large rock commemorates Captain Cook sailing by in 1770, the small rock is from Whitby Abbey, Cook's home port.



On Friday we had a day off as the carport concrete was poured but couldn't be walked on.  We went with Annemarie to Brisbane on the train (about an hour).
First stop, King George Square, for coffee and photographing the sculpture etc.  We went into the town hall and booked a trip up the clock tower for the afternoon (earlier times were all booked).  Then we went to the Commisseriat Store, built in 1828 by convicts and now a museum.

The Commissariat Store

Next we walked over the bridge to the South Bank
We walked along the side of the river here, past the artificial beach

These photos have got out of order...this is wine o'clock after going up the clock tower.

Here's the Town Hall and the clock tower.

Annemarie with funky metal kangaroos

One view from the clock tower

We ate at the South Bank Asian market...

Then walked back to the train station.

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