Sunday 10 January 2016

Motu Trails

Shelter near the highest part of the Motu Road
...but I didn't

Malcolm was waiting for me to fall in this ford...



lunch spot

nearly down to the dunes
We decided to ride the Motu Road trail  which we thought was 42 kms(and I was worried I might not get home at 42kms) until we were told in the briefing before we left it was 55kms. Mainly downhill but some steep uphill bits (mainly in the 13kms we didn't notice on the map!)  The road was gravel and steep and rutted.... I hated the uphill bits - and the downhill bits! More of a challenge than fun! It was cloudy in the mountains but sunny when we got to the coast. The dunes trail was great (that's the last bit of the trail - we rode that last time we were here) - Malcolm zipped on ahead to put the hot water on for showers and I walked up the little hills feeling like I should be wearing a t-shirt that said 'well I've already biked down the Motu Road and it's 55kms'.  Good to have done it though.

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