Saturday 23 January 2016


One of many Hobbit houses at Hobbiton...

Bag End

more Bag End

Malcolm snuck in here when no-one was watching

another cute Hobbit hole

Malcolm drives a barrel of ale to the pub

bridge to the Green Dragon Inn

The mill

drinking cider in the Green Dragon

outside the Green Dragon

Hobbit holes by the lake

Maybe I'll have this one?

...or this one?

Too small?

Inside the Green Dragon

The mill

This one is just right - we'll take it!

Today we went to Hobbiton. Being a big Hobbit/LOTR I have always wanted to go there and was really excited. It was great. The tour is 2 hours, you go in guided groups and end up in the Green Dragon Inn where we got free drinks, beer, cider or ginger beer. There are lots of Hobbit holes, all different. The gardens around them are amazing - they employ 2 full time gardeners!

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