Friday 19 February 2016

Cape Palliser

Freedom camping on the road to Cape Palliser

About to attempt those steps

Malcolm on the way up

Pretty lighthouse

Me on the way to the pinnacles

amazing scenery

The Lord of the Rings filmed here...

...the paths of the dead

about 1 hour in, half an hour explore and 1 hr return

We are freedom camped near Cape Palliser.  I have had trouble with this website not putting photos in - you may or may not get the view along the coast - or maybe twice or super big??
We drove from Martinborough this morning - I was amazed how beautiful the views from the road were.  Near Cape Palliser it is a bit hairy with washouts and an 'active slip' you drive over.  The lighthouse was cute with its stripes - 254 steps up.
In the afternoon we walked in to the Putangihue Pinnacles.  These eroded pillars were used in The Lord of the Rings movie as the Paths of the Dead.  We were more reminded of Gaudi.


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