Sunday 21 February 2016

Around Lake Wairarapa

Ocean Beach, Palliser Bay

End of sandbar, flooded

Water gushing out of the sandspit at the Lake Ferry end

Boggy pond

water emptying from Lake Onoke into the ocean
Today we drove around Lake Wairarapa.  Soouth of the lake the road goes to the coast at Ocean Beach which is pretty rugged with some basic baches.  The base of the sandspit nearby was flooded.  When we drove around to the coast at the other end of the sandspit/Lake Onoke a digger had just cut a channel through the shingle and water was pouring out of the lake into the ocean.  Back at Lake wairarapa we found a walk at some wetlands called Boggy Pond.  This 2 hour walk along a stopbank looks out on...a boggy pond.  They had sprayed all the willow trees so it was a boggy pond with dead trees.

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