Monday 4 November 2013

To the South Island

Ruapehu from Waiuru

By the river at Mercer


Walk to Smugglers the weekend we were in the town basin

I take a rest near the summit of Colonial Knob

Looking out to Mana Island and Kapiti


on the Interislander in the sounds

Whangarei town basin



After spending a week at the motor camp at Tikipunga we began freedom camping.  First we had 3 nights at the town basin, parked beside the new(ish) sculpture trail and facing the river.  Very picturesque and handy for town.  Then we had 3 nights at Beach Road Onerahi, parked on the grass looking out into the harbour.

On October 31st we finally finished what needed doing and headed South.  The fantastic weather we've had since getting back to NZ continued as we went through Auckland and parked beside the Waikato River at Mercer.  Then it clouded over and must have rained in the night.

Friday November 1 dawned sunny and again we had good weather down to the Desert Road.  Before Taupo we noticed the red light coming on the dash, showing we were running hot (a lot of up-hills) so we had a coffee stop and continued into Taupo.  We are having wifi difficulties.  Malcolm has data on his phone plan and we can make our own hotspots but it eats up the money.  So we went to McDonalds for free wifi.  My computer connected (it didn't in Whangarei) but Malcolm's wouldn't.  He needs free wifi as he has downloaded a lot of stuff for work that needs to update, etc.  Anyway we continued and just as we got to the Desert Road (clouds ahead) we started overheating again.  So another coffee stop to let the engine cool down and although it got a bit hot at the start of the Desert Road up and down wiggles it soon cooled off as we went across the cold and cloudy plateau.  As we pulled into our freedom camping spot behind the army museum at Waiuru there was a tremendous hail storm.  Brrr!

It was cold up there but we have a good heater.  The morning view was Ruapehu with just a wisp of cloud over the summit.  After breakfast the summit was all we could see, with cloud below and blue sky above.  We drove south and got to our freedom campsite at Mana at midday.  The red light came on again near Sansom so we had a coffee stop and Malcolm moved our big new gas bottle as he thought that might have been stopping air getting to the radiator.  That seemed to work (but we didn't have hills or wind to battle) but another red light came on - and we don't know what that one is indicating.  Sunny in Wellington but of course, windy!

We are worried about the radiator.  Malcolm has found that it is leaking and that is what is causing the tank to drain.  But why is it leaking?  Is it because it overheated or did it overheat because it was leaking?  We just hope we can get to the ferry ok tomorrow and then get it fixed when we are in the South Island.  I do get worried about missing ferries, I'm sure I used to be more blasé about this sort of stuff!  Must be old age.

Anyway it was a fabulous day at Mana and to take our minds off the bus worries we went for a 3 hr walk up to the summit of Colonial Knob (great name!)  It was a circular walk and the uphill was hard going for me, I'm so unfit!  The views out to Mana Island and down the coast to Kapiti Island were great though and it was good to get out and doing a new walk.

We went into Porirua on Saturday afternoon and bought a whole lot more data from telecom.  I used the phone to send an article and pics and it didn't seem to use that much.  I think I need free wifi though - finding cafes with wifi will be my South Island mission - what hardship!

Monday - an early start - got to the ferry early enough to get the crossing before the one we'd booked.  After Malcolm tightened up something on the radiator on Sunday everything seems to be back to normal.  However, I drove the car separately into Wellington.  It is a stunning day.  The crossing was beautiful, love the Marlborough Sounds.  We have stopped just outside Blenheim at a 'low cost parking' spot, Riverlands Roadhouse.  A big car park beside the roadhouse/cafe.  We went into Blenheim but everywhere was closed.  It is anniversary weekend.  The tourist info was open and we have a huge pile of maps and brochures to look through as we drink rum n coke this afternoon.

So here we are....ready for the South Island and our new lifestyle!!!!!

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