Sunday 22 September 2019

Wanderings through Spain - Avila and Segovia

Today we took a bus tour to Avila and Segovia. Avila has medieval city walls like Carcassonne (France) and a church dedicated to St Teresa. Segovia has a 7km long Roman aqueduct, Cathedral and the Acazar fortress. We each took over 200 photos - everything was so scenic.

Coffee stop at Avila

Our guide took us through the deserted streets of the old medieval town to St Teresa's Convent, then we climbed up to the city walls.

Segovia has a Roman aqueduct...

 a pretty square with a Cathedral...

and a medieval fortress called the Alcazar.  This is a view of the surrounding countryside from inside the Alcazar.

Outside the Alcazar

Segovia was a maze of streets like this

Of course we went inside all these buildings and have lots of interior photos too.  A full-on day trip!

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