Thursday 31 August 2023

The Giants causeway

Today we drove north to the Giants Causeway...
it was a walk from the hotel parking area to the stone formations...

where we wandered about.

Then we drove back into the south and on to our hotel at the water's edge in Rathmullen. The sun reappeared in the evening.

View from our window.


Wednesday 30 August 2023

Irish countryside

We headed north from Dublin, first stop the harbour and village of Skerries.

Coffee and cake at the Goat in the Boat cafe. St Patrick is supposed to have arrived in Ireland here and brought his goat with him.

Next stop, inland some way, Virginia, where we visited this lake...

...and went for a walk in the forest. The gate provided Holy Water, maybe as a miracle cure against getting lost. There were no maps or signs. But we didn't get lost.

The trees were pretty big. It was called a deer park but we saw no deer.


Tuesday 29 August 2023

A day in Dublin

We walked into Dublin centre along the river. It was grey at first but brightened up. First stopp, Trinity College to visit the Book of Kells exhibition in the Old Library.

Next we went to the National Museum of History and Archaeology, housed in a stunning building.

There was a huge array of bronze age to early Christian era artifacts, beautifully worked gold decorative wear and religious icons. 

Dublin Castle was more Georgian house than traditional castle, though there were towers.

Malcolm on sentry duty.

Last stop, Christ Church Cathedral.


Grey Wanderings on grey days

A couple of days mainly travelling. We lost the nice sunny weather we've been enjoying and travelled through drizzle to Liverpool. Here's a yellow submarine, some Englishness...

...and the Beatles.

Overnight stay at this rickety hotel in Llandudno, right on the front.

Then we took the ferry to Ireland where we are staying at this modern hotel. Quite a contrast to the last one!

We explored the local area, Smithfield.


Sunday 27 August 2023

A castle and a stone circle

A drive north up the coast took us to Muncaster Castle...

...which had the usual sumptuous rooms...

...and a brass band playing outside.

The church was nice and had some good stained glass.

Lunch at another Brown Cow pub, with a stuffed fox in the window. (Guess a cow wouldn't fit!)
Then we saw a real fox on our walk to the standing stones.

First a drive across the moors...

then a walk to Swinside Stone Circle - see below for details:

Then a mile walk back to the cars.