Thursday 29 September 2022

On the road again


We decided that since it was spring we’d take the bus for an overnight trip somewhere not too far afield but where we’d never been before. So, we drove down to Warkworth and parked overnight beside the museum and Parry Kauri Park. We expected it to be deserted but they were having an open day at the museum to celebrate the US camps that were nearby in WW2. There were American army jeeps, guns and equipment, plus soldiers, bunting, classic cars...

When everyone left we had the place to ourselves (just one other van). The Kauri Park had a loop boardwalk and there certainly were a lot of kauri, more than we’ve ever seen together in a relatively small area of bush.

The next morning we drove to the river just outside town where there’s a small marina and the ruins of a cement works. After strolling around there we headed north, stopping at Cafe Utopia at Kaiwaka on the way home.

At the museum

Kauri on the walk

At the cement works

Cafe Utopia

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