Saturday 11 January 2020

Whananaki Coastal Walkway

Today 4 of us walked the Whananaki Coasta Walkway which starts at Sandy Bay.  We went with Elaine and Katherine.

View at the start, the track winds around hills through farmland and along beside the coast.

Malcolm and Katherine were faster walkers

Zoomed in on Elaine and Malcolm along the track which went through areas of native bush.  We had a break (coffee and muffin for me) beside some kauri

We took a side trail to see the Capitaine Bougainville Monument.  The ship was wrecked on the coast here with loss of life.  Very tranquil and peaceful today though.

At the monument

Rather than retrace our steps we went down to the beach and had lunch under some pohutukawa trees

Then it was on to Whananaki.  Behind us is the longest footbridge in the Southern Hemisphere.  We went across into the village and had an ice cream before setting off on the return journey.

Coastal views on the way back

Zoom in on the dots, that's Malcolm and Katherine.  Total distance was nearly 17km.  A good day's walk on a hot day.  We got into the car and headed to Matapouri for another ice cream :-)

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