Wednesday 2 March 2016

Lake Rotorangi

Lake Rotorangi - our first spot...till we sussed out a better one

Bush walk beside the lake

views from bush walk track

This morning - after the mist burnt off

yarn-bombed tree, Eltham

hairpin bend on the road out of Lake Rotorangi - luckily nothing else on the road
We are now in south Taranaki. We have been staying at some lakes and doing some bush walks. These photos are from Lake Rotorangi - accessed down narrow steep gorge with hairpin bends, then 11 kms of gravel road. No-one there but us. Amazing this morning watching mist rise off the lake.  We are now parked in Hawera and this afternoon visited a predetor-fenced lake reserve, Lake Rotokare.  The track didn't have many lake views though, it was all in bush and wetlands.

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