Monday 23 February 2015

Ngawha Hot Springs

A Maori cultural guide explaining the treaty of Waitangi to a German guy

Disembodied head of Malcolm


A rather ramshackle place

Ngawha hot springs is a curious place.  It has always been under-developed but the water is great.  It costs $4 per person and the ambiance is rustic/dilapidated.  Not much to please the eye - ragged bits of plywood as barriers and faded, peeling murals.  The ground between the pools is muddy gravel and the pools themselves are mud- floored with wooden seats.  But there are many small pools all different temperatures, some too hot to attempt.  We found 3 good hot ones and a couple of cooler ones.  The water is reputedly therapeutic - if slightly sulphuric smelling.  A good place to while away an hour or two on a grey day.

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