Wednesday 4 December 2013

We bike Charming Creek Walkway

Anyone want to buy a house in Seddonville?

old machinery on the walkway

Heather in action

Malcolm carries the bikes over a slip

the waterfall

Malcolm rides over a swing bridge

We finally got our bikes off the back of the car and had a ride along the Charming Creek Walkway.  It is (the name is a clue) actually a walkway but the publican at Seddonville said people bike it.  Since it was a 5 and 1/2 or 6 hour return walk we decided to bike it as this would be quicker.  It was - it took us 3 and 1/2 hours and I was pretty tired afterwards - haven't been on the bike for ages.

The track is mainly along the route of an old railway but they didn't take away the sleepers.  So for quite a bit of it, it is bumpy!  Interesting though - with relics from gold mining and saw milling days and a few sheds with information boards in them.  Towards the end of the track we came to a slip and Malcolm had to carry the bikes over it.  Then some big overhangs and a long tunnel before coming out by the waterfall.  It was pretty impressive, set in the bush covered mountains and only us around.  Just after that we met 2 DOC guys and told them about the slip, plus 2 other people walking in from the other way.  The way back was slightly uphill and I was glad to get back to the car.  Worth it though!

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