Tuesday 30 April 2019

Cycle ride in Auckland

Five of us took the cycle trail from Avondale to Auckland city.  The first section was through a network of parks.

We passed a lot of pou...

Close to the motorway we came to this rainbow section

...then a quiet road...

... then this pink bit into the city

Finally we got to the viaduct, wet but we dried out while having lunch.  We took the train back to Avondale.


Five of us headed off on the ferry from Auckland to Rangitoto Island
There are a cluster of old baches on the island, not now used as the island is predator free

Quite a steep walk but a surprising amount of vegetation growing on the old scoria 

A view from the summit

Us at the summit

On the track

Malcolm and Allister explored the lava caves

Sunday 14 April 2019


A sunny autumn morning so we drove to Whananaki and walked around the headland...

On the track

... it leads around to the ocean side

...down to a pretty beach

There was no-one else around

Then we went back onto the track

...back to the estuary

This is the longest footbridge in the Southern Hemisphere