Tuesday 29 January 2019

Whangarei Murals

We went for a walk around Whangarei to look at the 15 murals painted this week by local and international artists.  Some were finished and others were almost complete.

These weren't part of it but were done by kids in the style of Hundertwasser and were displayed near where the Hundertwasser building is starting to be built. 

Me, wondering about this one...

Monday 7 January 2019


Yesterday we travelled from Enoshima to Tokyo.  It was grey and cold and after a bit of sight-seeing Malcolm and I went to the hotel and went to bed.  We both have a flu bug.  I felt better after a 12 hour sleep so went out with Janet and Michael today.

The hotel is very nice, this is the view from the room.

We went to Ueno Park, this is the entrance to the Gojo Shrine.  A local family dressed in their traditional clothes.

We went to a flea market at Ueno with interesting stalls.

Temple on an island in a lake

Swan pedalos on a boating lake

At the Imperial Palace.  We couldn't go in because it was closed.

Saturday 5 January 2019


We took the trains to Fujisawa and this evening went to Enoshima Island, a seaside tourist spot.
Everywhere in Japan there is plastic food outside restaurants to show what's on the menu. They must lie Hello Kitty at this one.

When it got dark the gardens were illuminated by 1,000s of lights.

Mt Fuji

Japanese dining

Someone fishing by torchlight.

Friday 4 January 2019


A day exploring Kyoto, temples, castle and Gion (the old town, full of wooden buildings and geishas.

We visited a few temples in Kyoto.  Wooden buildings.  You have to remove your shoes to enter and unfortunately we couldn't take photos inside.  This one was close to the hotel.  

This was a water fountain where they washed their hands before entering the temple.

The Gion area was the old town.  Narrow streets and wooden houses.  This area is where the geishas work in tea houses and we saw some on the streets.

Another temple area.  This one had gardens and shrines as well as the temple building.

This was a castle where the shogun lived.  We walked along the corridors and looked into the rooms that were set up as they would have been.

Thursday 3 January 2019

Hiroshima, Japan

After a day of planes and trains we spent today with Janet and Michael exploring Hiroshima. First a beautiful garden called Shukkeien, rebuilt after the bomb exactly as it had been for the centuries before. Then we went to Hiroshima castle - a tall wooden pagoda-style building surrounded by a moat, it was encircled by fast food stalls, Japanese style. Then we went to the Dome, the bomb was detonated just above it. We then went to the Memorial Museum. Very sad things to see there. Then we had some train adventures and got to Kyoto this evening.

At the gardens

Tea house at the gardens

Fried squid, I think

Chocolate covered bananas

Hiroshima Castle

View from Hiroshima Castle

Archery at Hiroshima castle

The dome

Paper cranes and origami at the children's Peace Memorial

At the museum