Tuesday 24 October 2017

Another last day in Hawaii

Due to a mix up on our part we ended up with another night in Hawaii - an expensive mistake but it gave us a chance to explore more of Oahu.  We got an all day bus ticket and headed for Honolulu.

This is the Iolani Palace...

...and nearby was the statue of King Kamehameha, first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  There were a lot of nice old buildings in this part of Honolulu.

We went to the art museum but didn't go in, except to get a cold drink at the cafe.   En route to the cafe we saw some art and sculpture including this doggie seat.

Next stop was the Foster Botanical Garden where there were some very tall palms...

...and some very big trees, as well as birds and butterflies...

...and this lizard.

Finally we headed back to Waikiki where we visited the war museum and learned about Pearl Harbour etc.  Then we enjoyed the sunset at waikiki Beach.

Then it was off to the airport and back to New Zealand.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Second - and last - day in Hawaii

Today we did a bus tour around the island (O'ahu)and Malcolm wore an appropriate shirt.

The wind at this viewpoint was VERY strong

At the Dole pineapple plantation.


Chinaman's Hat Island.

Wednesday 18 October 2017


Nice breakfast, a change from grits!

Hawaii, the birthplace of surfing.  We walked along the beach at Waikiki early this morning.

This huge Banyan tree was planted in the 1800s, it is in the centre of a shopping mall in Honolulu.

This morning we walked along to Diamond Head (on the far right)then this afternoon we wandered this way.

We are glad we don't have development like this in Northland. 

Last days in Canada

Goodbye Canada  We have spent a couple of days back in Stratford and area after returning from our American road trip.   Autumn weather, hot chocolate...

Saturday 14 October 2017


We are now in Georgia. We visited the Ocmulgee National Monument where over 1,000 years ago the Mississipian Indians lived in a village with huge mounds where their important buildings were sited. 
Earth lodges were used for ceremonies and one has been excavated. The floor is 1,000 years old but the lodge has been recreated over it.

passageway into the lodge

1,000 year old floor with eagle shaped place for chief

Track through woodland between the mounds

We saw some wildlife like deer...


...but luckily not the alligators.

Thursday 12 October 2017


Spent the morning looking around old Savannah...

...then had a boat trip aboard the Georgia Queen...

...and saw dolphins but no alligators.

Further south

Malcolm went to explore an aircraft carrier (USS Yorktown)and we went to drink wine on the beach at Isle of Palms. Then we drove further through the south to Savannah where Malcolm tried another strange (local) dish.

I met Forest Gump

The waterfront has this historic paddle steamer and lots of bars and restaurants in the old warehouses.

This is crawfish (not crayfish) in creole sauce. He's smiling because he hasn't eaten much yet. Malcolm is keen not to try any more southern dishes now.

Lots of shops selling lollies.

The waterfront at night.  It is tropical weather, nice to stroll around at night.